Sports Injury Rehabilitation

27th Aug 2015

Before beginning any rehabilitation or strengthening exercise program, it is important to get an accurate diagnoses and the proper rehabilitation equipment for your injury to understand your training goals. Most rehabilitation programs will go through an acute stage, immediately after injury, a middle or rehabilitation stage where the aim is to regain normal movement and strength and finally a functional or sports specific phase where exercises are more relevant to the activity. Here are a few:

Ankle Exercises

These involve rehabilitation exercises for the calf muscles, Achilles tendon injuries and ankle sprains.

Knee Exercises

These exercises are for early, middle and late stage exercises for rehabilitation from thigh injuries including hamstring strain exercises, quadriceps strain as well as jumper’s knee, knee ligament injuries and more.

Hip & Groin Exercises

Specific exercise programs are detailed for groin strain. Early, middle and late stage exercises are covered.

Core And Abdominal Exercises

Working the trunk and core are ideal for avoiding back pain.

Stretching Exercises

For the neck, shoulder, wrist, arm, back, hip, groin, knee, thigh, ankle and calf muscles are covered here. This also allows the most to be gained from therapy.

Free Weights Exercises

This involves working with barbells. It is excellent for both strength training and rehabilitation since it uses the supporting synergist muscles as well as the main or prime muscles involved in an exercise.

Home rehabilitation is necessary in most cases to ensure full recovery from any sports injury. We make it easy and convenient with our therapy equipment. We work to get you back to you.